Our Simple Holiday Tablescape from Amazon + 4 Tips for Setting the Table This Season

It is officially hosting season and we are kicking it off by throwing our first friends-giving this weekend. This will be the first year we can enjoy our finished dining room and I am so excited to gather our friends around the table and celebrate the holidays with lots of yummy food and good company.

It may come as a surprise but hosting is does not always come easy for me! I love having friends and family over but the logistics often feel overwhelming and the pressure to have the most beautiful setting can feel like a-lot. I’ve found it helps me immensely to keep things simple. I arranged this year’s entire holiday tablescape with pieces from Amazon Home. Everything I used is affordable, arrived quickly and kept this year’s holiday hosting stress!

The holidays may be crazy, but setting a beautiful holiday table doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Here are my 4 easy tips for setting a beautiful table this holiday season:

1. Keep it Simple

Your holiday table does not need to be complicated to be beautiful. Disaply a few tapered candles in the center of your table and then add a a small floral arrangement ( or two) for a simple, stunning centerpiece. I like using a few smaller floral arrangements instead of a single large one because it allows for easy conversation across the table!

2. Mix & Match

Don’t let mix-matched place settings keep you from hosting this year. I started with thick, woven chargers and then sandwiched soft linen napkins between our dinnerware. I then paired our brass candlesticks and gold silverware with silver plated cups and I love the “collected” vibe it brings to our table.

3. Skip the Fine China

Instead of pulling the fine china out of storage this year, use your everyday dishes! Our classic white dishes are inexpensive and look beautiful set out on the table. Even better, they’re heavy duty, scratch resistant and can be thrown in the dishwasher after using (a major win for those looking to avoid hand-washing plates after large gatherings).

4. Use Fruit

My favorite way to decorate simply is to use seasonal fruit as table decor! I placed a large pear in the bowls for an extra festive touch and I think it adds such an inexpensive, charming touch at each place setting.

I’m thrilled with how this year’s table turned out and overall the look was super attainable, and effortless! All this to say, don’t let the stress of hosting keep you from enjoying the company of friends and family this year. What other simple hosting tips do you have?




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